Change is permanent and while the pandemic might have periodically driven people to work from home, the shift towards a permanently distributed workforce is here to stay. So, what does this mean for organisations? For many however, Jira’s agile advantage is no longer apparent. From the user interviews we conducted, users like Dan frequently misuse the platform as a micromanagement tool to track tasks and issues. This goes against the first value of the Agile Manifesto “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” signifying Jira’s lack of emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Now in a world of remote working, this can be very dangerous. Our question then becomes:
How can Atlassian leverage Jira to build a stronger workplace community that inspires sustainable productivity and meaningful relationships by 2025?
Our vision, Jira Stand-up aims to redefine THE essence of Agile by providing a tool that encourages organisations to build team culture and streamline workflows.
Prototyping (UI/UX Design) - Jarvis Wang Pitch Deck Design - Jarvis Wang Business Analysis - Jasen Yu, Shania Sarmadi, Jessica Zheng Financial Analysis - Nahum Adeel